Tre nordiske forvaltningsselskaper går sammen

De nordiske forvaltningsselskapene TONO, KODA og TEOSTO har bestemt seg for å samarbeide om utvikling av IT-systemer. Organisasjonene skal jobbe sammen for å møte de økende kravene til effektivitet og service fra kunder og rettighetshavere.

 / 27/01/2012 /

Siden 2008 har TONO og KODA samarbeidet om utvikling av IT-systemer. TEOSTO vil fra nå av også delta i dette nordiske utviklingssamarbeidet. De tre organisasjonene vil med KTT (KODA-TONO-TEOSTO) utvide samarbeidet med å utvikle felles backend-systemer. – TONO mener de nasjonale forvaltningsselskapene vil spille en veldig viktig rolle i årene framover. Vi har den beste kunnskapen om det lokale markedet og kan sikre den beste forvaltningen for rettighetshaverne. Men vi må også tilby våre tjenester til en konkurransedyktig kostnad. Det eneste riktige valget er å samarbeide med andre forvaltningsselskaper som vi allerede deler felles mål og prosesser med, sier Cato Strøm, administrerende direktør i TONO.

Press Release

Nordic collecting societies KODA, TONO and TEOSTO have decided to join forces to develop a common backend for their IT services. The three organizations aim to work together to continue to meet the needs of rights owners while at the same time reducing processing costs. Since 2008 the Danish society KODA and Norway’s TONO have been working together to develop shared IT systems. Now Finland’s TEOSTO has announced it will join the effort. Together, the three organizations intend to expand and accelerate the plans for developing common backend systems. “We hope to improve our services, and our aim is to continue to be the natural and attractive partner for all music rights holders in Finland. This requires modern and up-to-date IT systems that are capable of meeting the needs of TEOSTO’s members and customers,” says TEOSTO CEO Katri Sipilä. “Joining the TONO-KODA partnership is a natural step for us to ensure that we can continue to offer the best service possible”. The three organizations aim to work together to develop a common system for distribution, member services and other it-systems. They will also look into options for connecting the backend to a works database. “This means getting more bang for the buck,” says KODA CEO Anders Lassen. “Working closely together with like-minded sister societies is the logical thing to do in order to save costs and ensuring that we continue to have top-of-the-line systems in a rapidly changing world.”The organizations aim to sign a Letter of Intent within a few months and subsequently begin building a common organization to handle its development. “TONO believes the national collecting societies will have a very important role to play in the years to come: We know the local market and can ensure unsurpassed value for rights holders. But we also need to be able to provide this service at a competitive cost. The only right choice is to join forces with other societies with whom we share common goals and processes,” says TONO CEO Cato Strøm. For further information, please contact:


Jan Richard KjelstrupDirector of CommunicationsE-mail: jrk@tono.noPhone: +47 99 24 86 87


Nicolaj Hyltén-CavalliusHead of CommunicationsE-mail: nhc@koda.dkPhone: +45 2227 7921


Tomi KorhonenDirector of Communications and Public RelationsE-mail: tomi.korhonen@teosto.fiPhone: +358 50 449 9575
