Dining and accommodation
Places for drinking and dining and overnight accommodation must clear their use of music that is administered for guests with TONO licenses.
Drinking and dining refers to restaurants, cafes, taverns, snack bars, bars, pubs, night clubs, and similar establishments. Here monthly compensation is calculated based on the number of seats there are in the establishment.
Overnight accommodation refers to hotels, motels, guest houses, campsites, cabins, and similar forms of accommodation. The use of music must be approved for each location such as hotel rooms/cabins, TV lounges, common rooms, lobbies, receptions, training studios, dining halls, restaurants, bars, and similar establishments.
What you pay for:
Background music/TV*
In places for drinking/dining and overnight accommodation, the fee for background music/TV is calculated based on the number of seating or beds, and by number of months it is open for guests per year.
* TV and radio broadcasts contain music, and must therefore be cleared with TONO.
If, in addition to background music, the venue regularly offers DJ or other types of mood music that is not prominent, the fee will be based on number of seats in the venue and number of days per year.