The local radio pays an annual fee for the right to broadcast TONO’s repertoire which is calculated as a percentage of the total annual revenues (basis for calculation). The compensation percentage is based on how large share TONO’s repertoire makes up of the local radio’s total broadcast time, and is calculated as music percentage x […]
/ 25/09/2015 / kodeksThe local radio pays an annual fee for the right to broadcast TONO’s repertoire which is calculated as a percentage of the total annual revenues (basis for calculation). The compensation percentage is based on how large share TONO’s repertoire makes up of the local radio’s total broadcast time, and is calculated as music percentage x 0.0775, but with a minimum fee as specified below. Further details on payment arrangements and music reporting will be specified by the agreement which each local radio station has made with TONO.
[table delimiter=”|” width=”100%” colalign=”left|right|right|right”]
Group|Inhabitants|(or actual weekly listeners)|Fee per hour of music
1|2 000 001 – 4 500 000|200 001 – 450 000|kr 205,-
2|1 000 001 – 2 000 000|100 001 – 200 000|kr 130,-
3|500 001 – 1 000 000|50 001 – 100 000|kr 70,-
4|200 001 – 500 000|20 001 – 50 000|kr 52,-
5|100 001 – 200 000|10 001 – 20 000|kr 34,-
6|50 000 – 100 000|5 000 – 10 000|kr 15,-
7|Under 50 000|Under 5000|Kr 9,-
Minimum pr. year: NOK 2.298,-
Short term license: NOK 200,- pr. 24 hours.
Additional fee for a simulcast of the radio to the local radio’s website: NOK 757,- pr month.
*Minimum fee pr. hour of music is based on the population in the broadcasting are. Local radios with particularly low listenership may receive a lower fee upon documentation of revenue and actual weekly listening.
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