TONO in numbers 2023

TONO in numbers 2023

Overview of TONOs income 2022

TONO generated gross revenues of NOK 997 896 781 in 2023.
This is an increase of 15,41 per cent compared with 2022. After a 2 per cent deduction payable to the Norwegian Composers’ Fund, as well as losses and administrative costs, TONO had NOK 847 982 395 for distribution to rights holders, a decrease of NOK 130 633 916 compared with 2022. Expenses totalled 12,87 per cent of revenues in 2023.


Development, sources of income
// Numbers in mill NOK


Disbursements to and from abroad

TONO has reciprocal representation agreements with a large number of foreign sister organisations on every continent. Thus, TONO manages its sister organisations’ repertoire of copyright-protected music on Norwegian territory and visa versa. Some sister organisations manage several territories. This is pointed out when relevant.


Trend in revenues and expenditures

// 2021-2023

Gross income

// 2014-2023, Numbers in mill NOK.



// 2014-2023, Numbers in mill NOK