Information about due diligence assessments concerning responsible business conduct

Anyone who wishes to do so can contact TONO in writing and request information on how we address actual and potential negative consequences for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.

TONO must also respond to information requests made anonymously.

The right to information does not include information classified under the security law or protected under the copyright law.

We will respond to information requests in writing and within a reasonable time, no later than three weeks after receiving the request.

If the quantity or type of information requested makes it disproportionately burdensome to respond within three weeks, TONO may exceptionally extend the deadline by up to two months. In such cases, TONO will inform the information requester that we will not be able to provide a response within three weeks, explain why we are unable to meet the deadline, and indicate when the information requester can expect a response.

In principle, TONO must answer all questions we receive, but a request for information may be rejected if:

  • the request does not provide sufficient basis to identify what the request pertains to,
  • the request is clearly unreasonable,
  • the requested information pertains to personal matters of someone,
  • the requested information pertains to technical devices and procedures or other operational or business matters that would be competitively significant to keep confidential in relation to the party concerned.