TONO releases 2021 annual report

Music copyright revenues constitute one of the largest revenue areas in the Norwegian music industry. TONO had a record turnover of NOK 843.9 million in 2021. Today, TONO releases the annual report for 2021.

 / 25/05/2022 /

To read the annual report in English click here

To read the annual report in Norwegian click here

The annual report provides insight into the music copyright economy in Norway in a year which, on TONO’s part, on the one hand led to significant covid-19-related losses of concert revenues, but also all time high revenues from broadcasting and music and film streaming services.

Mini portal in English and Norwegian

As in 2020, we have chosen to present our figures as a mini-portal on The portal is available in both Norwegian and English. Here you can read a message from CEO Cato Strøm, the Director’s report, TONO’s accounts, detailed information about cost deductions, and other information about the TONO year 2021.

To read the press release (published 26 April) click below.